Our guests may wonder what goes on here after they all leave on Saturday morning. We can assure you that no wild hot tub parties take place. Well, maybe small hot tub parties…

You’ve heard of flipping houses. For us at the CWR, Saturday means flipping cabins. Our housekeeping team works tirelessly to prepare for next week’s guests. Mountains of laundry, bottles of Simple Green, and piles of Clorox wipes leave our cozy cabins sparkling.

The barn crew is also hard at work. Although the wranglers take off work on Sundays, our ranch hand makes sure that poop is scooped, the barn tidy, and the arena plowed smooth. They also care for our wonderful herd.

But weekends aren’t all work and no play. The horses get turned out to pasture on the other side of the Taylor Fork Creek. Crew take advantage of a couple of slow days to go into town, do laundry, catch up on sleep, or of course soak uninterrupted in the hot tub.

The one downside to the gap between guests? Our cooks are off work too, which means leftovers for us. Of course, even leftovers here are still better than my cooking!