Well it’s official! We are up and underway, and our first couple weeks have went wonderfully. June in Montana has been very kind this year. Our wildflowers are out and looking gorgeous thanks to our rainy spring, and the wildlife has been out in abundance as well. Some of our rides have been lucky enough to spot grizzly bears, black bears, moose, elk, deer, and bald eagles. We have also had a little fox hanging around the ranch too! Of course, we don’t have a “wildlife” button, but we will try to find some for you guys when you come out here!

Our wranglers have been great about taking pictures - and I am great at stealing them :)

Our wranglers have been great about taking pictures – and I am great at stealing them 🙂

Our newest addition is also having the best time hanging out with our guests. As you saw on Facebook, Big Nose Kate had her baby girl about two weeks ago now. She doesn’t have a name yet, but she sure has a big personality! She is loving all of the attention she is getting, and is one of the friendliest little foals I have ever seen. Within a few hours of being born she wanted to see the world and meet all her new people 🙂

The cutest thing...

The cutest thing…

The weather has been pretty great for us thus far too (minus raining out our cookout last week of course!), highs in the 60s and 70s with just an afternoon shower or two. We are so excited for our summer season and can’t wait for you all to get here and meet our new horses and crew!

Gotta love our lunch spots!

Gotta love our lunch spots!

Happy Summer everyone 🙂
