Hey there!

We are enjoying a beautiful (if not necessarily normal) winter here in Montana. It is my first winter in the state, and I absolutely love it so far. Our backyard of the Gallatin National Forest and Big Sky is the best place for fun in the snow. We have skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and every other activity you could dream up here and I am thoroughly enjoying my education in snow-sports.


A mini snowstorm view from my porch!

A mini snowstorm view from my porch!

Of course, the ranch is also incredibly beautiful in our off-season too. I took a bunch of pictures here and there to give you guys a better look! We have been having some unusual weather here (for us). Thus far it has gotten to -36 degrees, and keeps yo-yo-ing between bitter cold and forties! But we are still getting snow and regardless, this place is still breathtaking.

So now for the update: the babies, Blake and Miranda, are getting absolutely huge! Blake is taller than me now and they are having tons of fun romping around in the corral with Nikita and Pancake. They are both very smart and funny, and Miranda in particular is a precocious little filly who loves to get into anything she is not supposed to find!

Sunset and the Spanish Peaks in the distance.

Sunset and the Spanish Peaks in the distance.

We are in the process of hiring our crew for the next season, and I can’t wait for you all to meet new and familiar faces again! We are booking up for next season, so if you have not called for your reservation yet, please do 🙂 We would love to have all of you guys, so call or visit us in the snow! We love winter, but all of us here are already starting to look forward to our 2015 season.

A crescent moon rising over the Rec. Hall

A crescent moon rising over the Rec. Hall

So, hope wherever all of you are, you are staying warm and enjoying your January!

A snowy Sunshine Ridge :)

A snowy Sunshine Ridge 🙂
