Just a quick note to let you know that our blog will be back up and running this season. Sorry for the delay. We had a great season this year and had the pleasure to hear stories from around the world, including Thailand, Italy, Belgium, France, Ireland, Germany, and of course, the U.K.
Half of our horses are already on vacation up on Raspberry Butte. Sarah was just up there today and said they healthy, fat and sassy! The other half are still working for Kurt and Rebecca in hunting camp and will join their family on November 16th. We’re looking forward to giving all of them a well needed rest, as they worked very hard this year.
Lots of new things on the horizon this year. We’ll keep you posted. Thanks to all of you for staying with us and making this the best season ever,
Debi and J.T.
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Thank you for such positive feedback! Hope to see you visiting our site again!