Hey There!

We are entering into fall season here at the Covered Wagon. I know we get a lot of people asking when the time to come to see some fall colors is over here. And while we may not rival the east coast with their amazing trees, we definitely have some beautiful moments in the fall. Our fall colors start in late August and run through the end of September. I took a drive up the Taylor Fork to give you guys some ideas of what fall in Montana looks like 🙂

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Now for the ranch update: we are still going here with our last week of guests this year. The weather has been mostly beautiful for us (though we did get a bit of snow last week!) We have had an amazing summer full of old and new friends. It is hard to believe that the season is almost over already – it seems like it has just flown by. We have loved seeing each and every one of you, and thank you so much for coming to visit! We hope you will be back soon.
