A Family Vacation At A Dude Ranch

 The Dude Rancher’s Association is a wonderful organization that preserves this special way of life and the wonderful environment in which dude ranching takes place.  “Horses, Hats, Hospitality, Heritage, Honesty and Heart” are the core principles of dude ranching. Here at the Covered Wagon Ranch we have the honor of following a family that has been visiting our ranch for several generations, and here is their story…..

Well before our (JT and Debi’s) time, this family from Minnesota has been coming to the ranch. I don’t know how many years in total that Judith and Ken have been visiting us, but I know it goes back there! I can always rely on Judith to tell me a story or two about the ranch from way back when. I love those stories and it helps us continue to get a better understanding of the history of the ranch. As time went on, family members continued to add to the family vacation. Eventually, Mia, Madeline, John and Olivia all started showing up on this annual tradition.  Our story will start pre-Olivia.More time passes and next thing you know, Olivia starts to enter the picture.

This all took place about 7 years ago, just before JT and I got to the ranch.

Next thing you know, Olivia is born! She basically grew up at the ranch and we all got the pleasure of watching her grow. She participated in the cookouts, and got to grow up around the horses. Next week we’ll talk about Olivia growing up at the ranch and when she actually got the opportunity to ride her own horse!