The Covered Wagon Ranch added four more fillies to their herd this spring.
Meet Monte, Stella, Zee, and Bailee!

Monte is a sorrel Registered Quarter Horse filly born in 2021. She is out of Angela Perry (Perry) who is by Jess Mr Perry (Mr. Jess Perry) and out of daughter of Dashin Val. Perry was Melissa’s good barrel horse before tearing her deep digital tendon. Monte was sired by Short Way Ta Fame who is by the nations all-time leading barrel sire Dash Ta Fame and out of a producing daughter of Shorty Lena. Shorty Lena is All-time leading Cutting Sire and All-time leading maternal Grand Sire, producing over $15 million in NCHA and NRCHA earners. Basically, little Monte has some big shoes to fill!
On June 3, Monte was born with a blood infection and spent her first two weeks at Montana Equine (hence her name) before getting to come home to the ranch. She is extremely athletic and super friendly.

Stella is a sorrel Registered Quarter Horse filly born in 2021. She is by Pistol Packin Perry who is a son of Mr Jess Perry SI 113 out of Takin a hike SI 99, daughter of Takin on The cash Si 109. Stella is out of Nikita Bueno Olena who is by Lynneas Lena by Smart Little Lena who was an NCHA Triple Crown Champion cutting horse and sire of champion cutting horses. He was inducted into both the AQHA and NCHA hall of fame.
This little filly looks a lot like Monte, but is a little more shy right now. She is a sister to Maya.

Zee is a gray Registered Quarter Horse filly born in 2021. She is by JL Sirocco who is by the nations all-time leading barrel sire, Dash Ta Fame. Zee is out of Jazzy Blue Bell, who is Uno’s sister and Dos’s dam. JL Sirocco was named the Number Two up and coming Stallion in Barrel Horse News.
Zee was named after ZZ Top and their song “Legs” because of her long legs. Blue Bell is notorious for passing on her stocky build and great confirmation to her foals and Zee is no different. Kurt and Melissa have big plans for this filly in the performance world and she is one of the nicest foals they have raised.

Bailee is a blue roan Quarter Horse filly born in 2021. She is by Leo Dally and out of Rita. Dally has sired lots of horses at the Covered Wagon Ranch. His colts are known for being blue roans and being very large boned and easy to start. Rita was Kurt’s best cow horse but had a tendon injury several years ago. She has been a broodmare ever since. Bailee was named after Melissa’s really good friend. Human Bailee wanted to buy the filly so Kurt figured she wouldn’t want to buy a horse with her own name! Bailee is very curious and in your pocket. She is a full sister to Logan, Dollar and Miranda and has the same sire as Gwen, Blake and Sass.
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