Hey there!

So if you all are keeping up with our Facebook page, you know that this summer has been fantastic 🙂 We have been amazingly booked, and have loved meeting all of our new people, and reuniting with our return guests! We have been going on new trails, finding the most beautiful lunch spots, and thoroughly enjoying our gorgeous backyard.

Those ear photos!

Those ear photos!

As I have been posting, we have been extremely fortunate in reservations for 2016 as well. We are 85% booked for next July, and are filling up for August too – so make those reservations quickly, folks! I don’t want you to miss out!

You can't miss this :)

You can’t miss this 🙂

August has been very kind to us here at Covered Wagon. The weather has been sunny and warm, with a shower here or there to keep us on our toes. While some days we have some smoke drifting in from all of those fires, our pasture is green and the grass is knee-high. Flowers are still out and about, and we have been lucky enough to catch some wildlife hanging out too! We have seen grizzly and black bears, moose, elk, deer, eagles, hawks, goats, sheep, and the occasional wolf too!

Have I mentioned our pack trips too?

Have I mentioned our pack trips too?

Oh hey there!

Oh hey there!

And now for the fun stuff:

Bradley, our breakfast-lunch chef, has earned some acclaim this season for his fabulous cookies. And he has been nice enough to share a basic recipe with me so I can share it with all of you! Our crew for sure has been enjoying cookies all summer long 🙂

Here it is:

1 cup of sugar

1 cup packed brown sugar

2 sticks of butter

Cream the above together in a bowl

Then add: 3 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

And mix together.

In a separate bowl, add: 3 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

Mix together and add to original bowl


Complete the recipe with “whatever tickles your fancy. Chocolate chips, m&m’s, peanut butter, quail eggs, etc!”

We thank Bradley for his wonderful cookies and the recipe to make them! Let us know how yours turn out 🙂

Cookies are necessary fuel for trail rides. Just ask our crew :)

Cookies are necessary fuel for trail rides. Just ask our crew 🙂

Hope everyone’s summer is going fantastically, and we can’t wait for all of our September guests to get here too! Those colors will be coming out soon, so enjoy these last few days of summer!

We sure will!

We sure will!
