Look who decided to crash our dinner at the ranch! Right after dinner was finished, our guests went outside to enjoy the evening, only to find this yearling moose prancing right down the front of the lodge! We couldn’t have planned it any better.

Everybody just sat on the porch and enjoyed the show! Several days later, as we got ready for our cookout, a mama moose and her brand new baby were munching on leaves across the way! Wildlife activity has been great. Lots of elk, elk calves, some black bears and even some grizzlies with cubs!

The season has gotten off to a great start! Our Head Chef Tim and our Breakfast Cook Cami Jo have been expanding the waist size on our guests! Josh, a 10 year old grandson of Andy and Elizabeth from Georgia, has really been enjoying the food. When he got home he asked his mom why she didn’t serve him his biscuits and gravy, fresh fruit, eggs, etc . His mom served him a pop tart and said “welcome home son”!!

We’ll keep you posted on ranch activities as the season goes on. So far, off to a great start!